
Informative video for Insolvency law

Falimentimi vs. Mospagimi: Tre Terma të Definuara, Shpjeguara dhe Krahasuara brenda Një Minute. Kliko ketu Video lidhur me kredite e siguruara dhe te pasiguruara. Kliko ketu Nje guide hyrese ne Procesin e Paaftesise paguese:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lYkKvwYmwc&t=199s Efekti mbi kreditoret i rregullave per papaftesine pagueseHow do the Insolvency (England and Wales) 2016 Rules affect creditors?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D79iOj7n-7c Rregullat procedurale per …

Informative video for Insolvency law Read More »

For the criteria for determining the remuneration of the temporary bankruptcy administrator, the rules for the remuneration of the bankruptcy administrator as well as the criteria and calculation of the guardian’s remuneration

For the criteria for determining the remuneration of the temporary bankruptcy administrator, the rules for the remuneration of the bankruptcy administrator as well as the criteria and calculation of the guardian’s remuneration

Request for expression of interest to be licensed as a bankruptcy administrator

Notification The National Bankruptcy Agency announces the opening of the call for expressions of interest to be licensed as a bankruptcy administrator. This is a License granted by the Ministry of Justice for Bankruptcy Administrators who administer Bankruptcy procedures in accordance with Law 110/2016 “On Bankruptcy”. You are invited to express your interest in this …

Request for expression of interest to be licensed as a bankruptcy administrator Read More »